About amyandjimfuller

On May 17, 2012, Eva Catherine Fuller made her surprise debut into the world. She weighed 1 pound, 12 oz. Here is her story.

It’s all a phase

First, some great news that I forgot to share earlier! We found out at the end of August that Eva’s ROP (eye disease) has basically disappeared! We’re out of the danger zone and we don’t need to see the eye doctor again for a whole year. Her vision should develop normally, and though she may need glasses when she gets older, it would be more due to genetics at that point than her prematurity. So our best-case scenario has occurred, and we are so thankful.

It’s hard to believe that more than a month has passed since she came home. We just weighed Eva today, and she is nearly 9.5 pounds. She continues to make great progress, and everyone is very impressed, especially with her head control and arm and leg strength. She makes great eye contact and can track when you move your eyes.

When she left the NICU, Eva was eating between 2 and 3 oz (60 and 90 ml) every three hours. Her milk was fortified with a tiny amount of formula for preemies that adds extra calories for weight gain. Since she has come home, her eating has been completely erratic. Which was to be expected, I’ve been told. During periods where her reflux is worse, sometimes she’ll take a few sips from her bottle and then cry or arch back – and at least a few feedings a day are difficult, with her squirming the whole time, spitting up and/or refusing to finish her bottle.

Because of this, she sometimes only takes an oz or an oz and a half at a time. But then she’ll still be hungry an hour and a half or two hours later. So it basically feels like we’re feeding her nonstop around the clock, which gets exhausting, especially because we’re supposed to hold her upright for a half hour after each feeding (to help with the reflux.)

In the past day, that’s changed. Suddenly, she just started taking two oz – or more! – at a time, and she gets hungry every three hours. Her schedule has become more like it was in the NICU, and both Jim and I are breathing a sigh of relief. Her doctor and the speech therapist had expressed some worry about the small amounts she was eating, but because she was continuing to gain weight, and her total daily amounts are OK, it hasn’t been a serious problem. We’re crossing our fingers it continues to stay this way…..

Sleeping is the other area in which she’s a bit erratic, but she’s a newborn, so we’re not too worried. From the start, Eva has slept through the night, except to wake up to eat. When she finishes her bottle, she goes back to bed without crying (though she’ll often wake up an hour and a half or two hours later because she’s hungry again). So we’re very lucky in that sense. However, she is an erratic napper. One day, she’ll sleep ALL day and ALL night, then the next day she won’t sleep much during the day.

She also naps best in our arms; she’ll wake up soon after we place her down. She likes her bouncer and play mat but only for short periods of time. So we hold her a lot. I have to say that the Baby Bjorn carrier has been a life-saver; she can still be close to me, and I can get stuff done!

There are days when I get a little stir-crazy. I can’t really take her out anywhere yet, so friends and family come to visit us, which is great! But I definitely miss being able to go wherever I want, whenever I want. In that sense, I took a trip to Target today, which was awesome and probably the highlight of my week! LOL

The best parenting advice I’ve heard so far is from a friend of my sister’s. She said that with children, everything is a phase. I remember this when I worry too much about her feeding or reflux. But overall, I love spending the days with Eva, and I know I will never have another two months off with her like this ever again. So I’ve got to enjoy every second with her!


Eva at home!

Eva has been home for almost four weeks now, and she’s doing great. We are so lucky! We’ve seen our pediatrician a few times, as well as a GI specialist for her reflux, and we’ve had to tweak her medications to find just the right combination. Overall, everyone is really pleased with her progress. She is just over 9 pounds now! 

Each week, we go to physical therapy, where she does exercises to keep her strong and flexible. It’s prevention at this point; she has great head control and isn’t really behind developmentally. But if a problem does arise down the road, we’ll be on top of it.

Having Eva home has is the best thing that’s ever happened to us. We love cuddling with her, and when she smiles, it’s the best part of our day. It’s also been very overwhelming. People talk all the time about how great being a parent is, and it IS – but you don’t often hear people talk about how hard it is. But I will! It’s &^#!@ing hard! This has by far been the biggest life change for me, particularly after an extremely emotional three and a half months. Eva’s a fussy baby, though consolable, but it has taken us a while to find our groove. We’re still working on it!

I have to admit, maternity leave is turning out to be a bit different than I pictured it. I had a to-do list of things I wanted to try to tackle, like organizing my photos, creating a recipe book, reading some books, and possibly even doing some work from home. Yeah, right! A good day is a day I can take a shower – and today is a good day! Thank God for family who come over to help!

At home

The first few days have gone by so quickly! Caring for a newborn is no joke, and it is taking us time to get adjusted to a new schedule. But it is so amazing having her home, and we are both so in love with her. We just snuggle and kiss her all day long.  

She had her first doctor’s appt. on Friday, and everything looks good! She weighs 7 pounds, 12 oz. Slow and steady! 

Eva came home on a monitor, which is supposed to alert us whenever she stops breathing for a certain period of time or has drops in her heart rate. OMG is it annoying. It goes off at least several times an hour (it’s the sound of a fire alarm) and they are all false alarms. So we’ve pretty much given up on it at this point. It’s impossible to get any kind of sleep on it, or peace of mind, which is what it’s supposed to provide. We’ve resorted to one of us watching her 24/7 to make sure she’s OK. We take shifts, so Jim and I pretty much feel like walking zombies all the time. I have no idea what I’m going to do when he goes back to work!


Eva had a choking episode late last night, the night before she was supposed to come home. She started turning pale and became unresponsive, prompting the nurses to turn her over and smack her on the back in an effort to revive her. They almost gave her oxygen, too. Really scary. Because of this, the doctors told us today they couldn’t send her home. Wednesday afternoon/evening would be the earliest, but it could be Thursday or Friday, too.

We know it’s for the best, but it’s disappointing. It’s scary, too. We’re not sure exactly why this happened, and if it will happen once she’s at home. In that sense, I’m thankul for the monitor and for all the safety training we’ve recently undergone. And for having someone with paramedic training around.

And the waiting is frustrating. I just feel so over all of this. We even put her in a cute going-home outfit. Everything is ready for her to come home, but she’s not ready yet. Ugh……


Eva will be coming home on Monday! The last few days have been a blur of tests and trainings: we’ve had CPR and safety training, training on the apnea monitor she will be on and a car seat test (which she passed!), as well as learning how to prepare her food (her milk is fortified with formula for extra calories) and administer her medicine. We also had an overnight stay at the hospital with her, which we’re still recovering from. LOL. She didn’t sleep at ALL last night, probably because she was in a different room and with us for 12 straight hours. It was exhausting, and I know it’s just the start!

I have to say that it’s been amazing to get all this hands-on parent training from all the nurses and hospital staff. They’ve become a second family to Jim and I over the past three + months, and I know it will be sad in a way to leave on Monday. Tomorrow, we’re having professional pictures taken of Eva at the hospital and taking care of lots of last-minute stuff before our lives change forever!